Friday, May 22, 2009

What is happening in the Charismatic World? Part1

After much soul searching, researching, and prayer I have left the Charismatic movement, after being part of it for 24 years. I am now a member of First Baptist Church, in Naples Florida and love it. My search for answers on what was happening in the Charismatic world started last year as the Lakeland Revival began and Todd Bentley came on the scene.

I couldn't believe how many Christians were being deceived by this false prophet and his false miracles. The more I read about Todd Bentley and the people surrounding him like C. Peter Wagner, Paul Cain, Rick Joyner, Bob Jones and the rest of the Vineyards fellowship. The more I understood this was another false revival like Brownsville and the Toronto Blessing.

So I started with Todd Bentley and worked backwards it became project of connect the dots in reverse. My research lead to an article by Let us Reason Ministries about Todd Bentley called " Meet the new thing same as the old thing". In it I found out about a conversation Bentley had with Bob Jones who said he had the same visitation of an angel that the latter rain false healer William Branham of the 1940's. Another piece of the puzzle came together when I came across a website In which a video clip by Justin Peters was presented about the Word of Faith "A Call for Discernment". This video clip spurred me on to continue with my research because I was just beginning to scratch the surface of the problem of what is happening in the Charismatic World.

The connection deepened as Rodney Howard Brown, laughing revival, Kenneth Hagins Word of Faith, Kenneth Copeland, Joels Army, Later rain, Manifest Sons of God, Apostles/ Prophets movement, the Charismatic and Emergent Church started to intersect and had much in common. The light bulb finally went off in my mind and the Holy Spirit confirmed what I was thinking all along. That what these groups had in common was not Biblicial Christianity, but Apostasy which the Apostle Paul writes about in II Timothy 3 vs 1-7.

About a year and half ago a good friend and brother in the Lord was telling me about the next move of God and there were going to be great signs and wonders coming from this new anointing. He told me about the Elijah list and about the how God is going to use the Apostle's and Prophets in these last days. For many years most of the teaching in Charismatic circles has been that there will be an end time revival before the Lord Jesus returns. So I looked in my Bible and read what it said which was the opposite there would be a great falling away not revival.

The year was 1987 and my introduction into the Charismatic Church world began. A Non Denominational Church called Bright Clouds Ministries was the place. This Church just so happened to be pastored by a new minister who just graduated from Rhema. My brother-in-law led the Praise and Worship music, and my indoctrination into the Word of Faith began. The strange thing about this Church was that the services were held in a old movie theater which used to show porno movies. The Pastor used to proclaim this fact as proof of victory that the church was reclaiming the territory back for God. This was before adultery and divorce swept through the church eventually causing the Pastor to step down after being caught in an adulterous web.

In the beginning the Word of Faith teachings were exciting, learning how to tap into the so-called secrets of faith, prosperity, and healing. I bought every book and booklet that the word of faith bookstore was selling by the most popular faith teachers such as Kenneth Hagin, EW Kenyon, Kenneth Copeland and TL Osborn. I felt with this knowledge I was on my way to a new life and experience with God .I bought into this false teaching hook, line, and sinker. Yes I was on my way to being deceived and didn't know that trouble was right around the corner.

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