Sunday, May 31, 2009

Living with Stage IV Prostate Cancer

The year is 2006 and it is July. It was a few days after visit to the Doctor, the news was not good about my latest PSA test and the level was 80.5. A normal PSA level is between 0-4, an appointment was made immediately with a Urologist. He took another PSA test within a week and it came back at 90.5, which is a 10 point jump. A biopsy was scheduled and the results came back positive 11 at of the 12 specimens showed I had advanced stage metastatic prostate cancer. I remember when I heard the devastating news saying to my wife they must be wrong, they must be wrong, I don't feel sick.

I remember crying out to the Lord and just plain crying why did this happen to me. I was an exercise fanatic, I ran in the NYC marathon and I am a strong Christian. In the beginning I was mad at God for allowing this disease to come into my life, but as treatment started the Lord showed me in the Bible where His Grace is sufficient for me. This one event became a life changer . First, knowing you have cancer humbles a person and I was humbled believe me. Secondly, my whole world was turned around and my view of life is now from a totally different perspective.

I would have taken the news about cancer a lot differently if I was still involved with Word of Faith. The first thing you are taught in the faith movement is to reject any sickness and create your own reality through denial. I remember one time that I kept repeating I will not receive any sickness thinking I could believe my way to health . Which is the essence of the faith movement believe and receive. Its all about my faith and me and not about God and His will for your life. Forget about going to a doctor, or you will be viewed as some kind of weakling. Looking back now I understand the flaws of the faith movement which founded on a mixture of New Age, Christian Science, and Christianity.

The treatment started immediately in July of 2006 which consisted of an injection of Lupron which lasted 3 months and Casodex pills. The drug lupron is an anti-androgen which stops the production of testosterone and arrests the spread of cancer and stops the growth of the tumors in the prostate gland. The side effects of lupron are numerous one of which is very intense hot flashes and impotency. Within the first 9 months of treatment and a lot of prayer my PSA level dropped from 90.5 to 0.4. I was so elated that the Lord looked down from Heaven and had mercy on me. It is now approaching 3 years and my PSA level is still low 0.35 and the bone scans show that no new metastases and I know that God has me here for a purpose and that is to share the Gospel of Jesus with a lost and dying world.

In 2 weeks I will have another PSA test to see if the cancer is on the move, or if I need to add Casodex back into the treatment. Dealing with prostate cancer in 3 month intervals is like riding a roller coaster. Every 3 months I get tested and receive a lupron shot, there is always that possibility that things can go wrong which makes for a time of raw emotion. Whatever the situation, I know that the Lord Jesus is my Strength, He is my Rock, He is my High Tower and that I will continue to Worship and serve the Lord Jesus all the rest of the days of my life.

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