Many Christians just don't know who or what believe anymore. The Bible tells us in the Book of Hebrews Chapter 12 vs 2 that we should be " Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the Right Hand of the Throne of God". Jesus will get us through the adversity we are facing. As many a preacher have said "Jesus is our source, the Cross is the means". The Book of Jude states in verse 3 "to contend earnestly for the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints".
The adversity that Christianity is facing today comes from within the body of Christ not from the secular world. The movements which are responsible for seducing believers. Away from the simple Truth of the Gospel are : Signs and Wonders, Prophets/ Apostles, Latter Rain, Joels Army, Manifested Sons of God, the Word of Faith, and the Emergent Church movements. Take a look at a video clip of C.Peter Wagner as he endorses Todd Bentley last year in Lakeland Fl. Who may I ask appointed C.Peter Wagner in charge of endorsing anyone. Did God really appoint C. Peter Wagner as head of the Apostles movement, absolutely not he appointed himself and the rest of his ilk such as Che Ahn, Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner, Paul Cain, Chuck Pierce and the rest of the Kanas Vineyard False prophets. Who have Global designs for the Church through the ecumenical movement in uniting apostate christianity with the One World and eventually accepting the Antichrist to be the Christ.
There are real people who are concerned about these heretical movements such as one who I admire for his stand is Justin Peters Ministries. He not only speaks out against the heresies of the false teachers but has put together a great seminar"A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT" which is a Biblical Critique on the Word of Faith which speaks to the heart of the matter and the false teaching that began with Kenneth Hagin. As Christians we can no longer sweep things under the rug, we must contend for the Faith and do so with passion for the time is short.
Very well said! The video from Justin Peters is an eye opener. I have heard some of the clips personally and others I read about. When Larry Huch and Paula White denied Jesus, as not the only Son of God I about came out of my chair. Most people don't even know they are saying these things. I certainly didn't until I started digging around on the internet. The people of God need to wake up and start paying attention to those who are making the effort of truth speaking. If not, they will be lost. What other horror is there than to lose your salvation because of liars?