Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Homosexual Agenda vs God's Agenda

Over the past 30 years the homosexual agenda has been been somewhat hidden in the closet, denied, or lied about and kept under a rock. Now the agenda of the Gay and Lesbian activists is totally clear and very obvious which is to tear down and destroy the very fabric which holds society together and that is marriage. How did gay rights find its way to the forefront of our nation's policy makers and what are the consequences of religious intolerance as portrayed in the proposed "Hate Crimes" bill.

The so-called gay rights movement, found its way to this nation through the matrix of secular and ungodly lawmakers and its willing accomplices the Federal Court system. By using the same pathway as the 60's civil rights used, and by declaring that gays and lesbians were a race of people they found a way to become a protected class. Now I ask you how can someone's sexual deviation be even considered for a class status or a race of people. In the Book of Genesis chapter 19 vs 24 God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality plain and simple. Homosexuality is a sin and a wicked degrading sin as well which will lead its participants into the pit of Hell for all eternity. This act is pure wickedness and immoral, not some glorified gay right as stated its vocal arrogant supporters who are rebellion against God Almighty.

The gay drive for public approval of their alternative lifestyle began in the early 1970's with efforts to portray homosexuality and its deviant sexual practices as a valid, healthy and equally acceptable way of life. Gay activists were demanding even then that public school sex education courses taught by gays should present homosexuality as a healthy alternative. (Time, September 8,1975) There has been an emotional manipulation of the American public. Firstly ordinary citizens have been made to feel guilty, by a constant barrage of accusations, that they are bigoted and homophobic for having seen their homosexual lifestyle as antagonistic to their basically Judeo- Christian value system. Secondly the gay militants through their acts of violence, plainly intimidate average Americans into acceptance of their deviant homosexual lifestyle.(Kinsey, Sex, and Fraud,103) I have a word for the militant gay activists, I will not be intimidated. I will continue to stand up and speak out against the sin of homosexuality not mater what type of hate speech law is passed.

Homosexuality is a learned behavior, people are not born that way as some sympathizers say. Alfred Kinsey the father of sexual programming in the public school system and SEICUS espoused that children can enjoy and benefit from sexual interaction with adults. Kinsey's grand scheme is almost realized through establishing homosexuality as normal behavior. By promoting sexual promiscuity blurring the lines where pedophilia is concerned. Through attacking religion to undermine the Judeo-Christian concept of sin and eliminate the distinction between right and wrong. Lobbying the Judicial system to reform sex laws so that aberrant sexual behavior is not considered criminal. To redefine Family to break the hertosexual model of nuclear family with a mother and a father.

God's Agenda is abstinence, abstinence, abstinence. God's Agenda is one man and one woman in marriage. God's Agenda is totally opposite of the secular humanists who want to destroy the traditional family and replace with someone's sick twisted perverted idea of gay marriage. Years ago gay meant happy, today being gay equals a sinful lifestyle.

You can be delivered from the homosexual lifestyle by repenting from sin, believing in Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. And you will not be condemned to Hell for all Eternity. Read the Bible, join a Bible believing Church, go to Bible study and give Jesus the praise for deliverance from a perverse and sinful lifestyle.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why We Must Contend For The Faith

It is imperative now, that we must contend for the Faith more than ever. The amount false doctrines and false movements which are circulating today in Christianity are mind boggling and confusing most believers.

Many Christians just don't know who or what believe anymore. The Bible tells us in the Book of Hebrews Chapter 12 vs 2 that we should be " Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the Right Hand of the Throne of God". Jesus will get us through the adversity we are facing. As many a preacher have said "Jesus is our source, the Cross is the means". The Book of Jude states in verse 3 "to contend earnestly for the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints".

The adversity that Christianity is facing today comes from within the body of Christ not from the secular world. The movements which are responsible for seducing believers. Away from the simple Truth of the Gospel are : Signs and Wonders, Prophets/ Apostles, Latter Rain, Joels Army, Manifested Sons of God, the Word of Faith, and the Emergent Church movements. Take a look at a video clip of C.Peter Wagner as he endorses Todd Bentley last year in Lakeland Fl. Who may I ask appointed C.Peter Wagner in charge of endorsing anyone. Did God really appoint C. Peter Wagner as head of the Apostles movement, absolutely not he appointed himself and the rest of his ilk such as Che Ahn, Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner, Paul Cain, Chuck Pierce and the rest of the Kanas Vineyard False prophets. Who have Global designs for the Church through the ecumenical movement in uniting apostate christianity with the One World and eventually accepting the Antichrist to be the Christ.

There are real people who are concerned about these heretical movements such as one who I admire for his stand is Justin Peters Ministries. He not only speaks out against the heresies of the false teachers but has put together a great seminar"A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT" which is a Biblical Critique on the Word of Faith which speaks to the heart of the matter and the false teaching that began with Kenneth Hagin. As Christians we can no longer sweep things under the rug, we must contend for the Faith and do so with passion for the time is short.


Thursday, July 9, 2009


Sometimes when we are facing difficult situations and dire circumstances it becomes very hard in hearing from God on what to do. How many times have as a Christian we have thought we heard from God about a particular decision, direction, or choice only to find out it was the wrong one. Not being in the perfect Will of God for your life has tremendous consequences. I know for I have made numerous wrong choices in my life simply by simply not putting my plans before God and hearing from Him.

Last night's Bible study was truly uplifting, because it focused on understanding of how God speaks to His people. The main text of scripture cam from Exodus 14 in which Moses and the children of Israel came to the Red Sea and had no where else to go because the Egyptians were bearing down on them. You see the circumstances looked dire and there was no way out and it looked as if they would die right there. But Moses prayed and God answered by opening the Red Sea giving His people a way out.

Many people are facing such dire circumstances today because of the economic, financial, or health problems. Now I am not saying that God will make all those situations go away instantly and pain will not be felt, but the Lord Jesus will be there with us to give us the strength to go through it. We must understand that God Speaks through one of 5 ways: 1) God will speak to you the specifics of His will for you when and if you need to know 2) God speaks through circumstances that teach us to pray and wait for His open door (Exodus 14: 13 -16)
3) You cannot know the truth of your circumstances until you hear from God (Exodus 14: 21-22) 4) We must see God's perspective that He is accomplishing His Divine will in our lives (Exodus: 14- 23-29)
5) We are to allow God to speak and reveal His will to you through the reading of His Word (Exodus 15: 1-6)

I know that when you draw close to God he will draw closer to you.